Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World

I've been lacking in the reading department lately, so last Friday I decided to hit the library (why not, it's only right next door!) to grab something interesting to read. My friends always tell me I pick up the most interesting books, so what I think I am going to do is start doing little book reviews on my latest finds. I'll start with just one of the 5 I picked up, How to Be a Hepburn in a Hilton World by Jordan Christy. A clever and cute title for this little book that holds such great observations about the female generation of today. Too much skin, blasts of makeup, texty slang and reality television are just some of the issues Christy touches on in this 196 page book. Each chapter gives a bit of insight on how women have changed as a whole in the past few decades in regards to certain aspects of life, all while giving examples of how to better oneself with suggestions and to-do lists.

The book aims to inspire young females to look beyond the trash that seems to invade our lives each and every day and maintain a certain level of class, style and elegance. Her observations make you think about your everyday demeanour: Are you wearing too much makeup? Is this shirt too low for work? What is my outfit saying to others? How can I maintain a man's attention without seeming too desperate? How can I succeed in the workplace?

Christy writes in a narrative tone which makes the book an easy, fun how-to type book to read. It's fun anecdotes and advice on everyday living are great for any young lady. (I still like to consider myself a young girl thank-you-very-much!)

It's unfortunate that the media focuses a lot of its attention on not-so classy celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton that give young females a terribly wrong idea about what a woman should be. There are plenty of great role models out there but don't get any of the attention. It's importatnt to remember that being a woman is a wonderful thing and being tacky and flashy is not the only way to be an exciting, interesting, beautiful person.

I highly reccommend this book, it's a quick read (great for you subway riders) that provokes a lot of self relflection. Hope you all get a chance to pick this one up :) Happy Reading :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So it's been a while...

I know. I am the worst blogger ever. I just get so lazy in these short, dark fall days. It's like my seasonal affective disorder kicks in as soon as summer more late nights, no more sunshine...just a deep, dark long winter filled with sleep, cuddles and books.
Lately I have not been feeling quite like myself. Maybe because of the weather I am not sure...but I just feel kind of bored with myself lately. Like I have no ambitions, no goals or nothing to be excited about at the current time. Perhaps I am bored because I am finally just content with my life...nice condo, awesome friends, best boyfriend, good job....everything is just fine. There are no obstacles to overcome, no challenges to endure....and that seems great, but am I crazy for being unhappy?
Maybe unhappy is the wrong choice of word, but bored may be more like it. I feel like I need something new to take up and occupy my time. I feel like I would like to work towards a new accomplishment of some sort, but what?

I was thinking of taking some night classes in either french or communications. Maybe get an extra job to make some extra cash? Or taking up a new hobby...something crafty of somesort. Of course, with the holidays fast approaching I may hold off until the new year. For now I have my trip to Cuba to look forward to over the Xmas break. It will be a great time to get away and just relax with my family and have some fun. I haven't been on a trip since Vegas in May, so this is a much deserved getaway!

Today Shannon and I put up our Xmas tree in the condo. It looks wonderful and girly! It is white with hot pink appropriate right!? It is a small tree and is perfect for the condo. On Wednesday I think we are going to make my Disney Princess gingerbread house :) Time to get into that holiday spirit!! I am almost done all my shopping (I did most of it online), just a few small things left to get and I will be done.

I don't even know what I want this year...I hate asking for gifts because if I want something I will just buy it myself. I like thoughtful gifts that are surprises. I think that's what makes me really feel special. :)

I hope to write more this week...but I can't make any promises. :) :)