Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missing the Arts

If you were to describe yourself to someone who didn't know a thing about you, what kind of things would you say? Would you describe personality traits? Facial features? Ethnicity? Job? Talents? When someone asks you to describe yourself, what are the first things that come to mind? How are we defined and what makes us different than everyone else?

I have been pondering this question because lately, I don't even know who I am anymore. I mean, I know who I am inside, but I often wonder what others think of me or how to describe myself in one sentence or less. When I was younger I used to describe myself as a creative girl with a passion for dance. Nowadays, I don't even know what my passions are because I simply do not have anytime to persue them. I feel like passions and talents are what make us unique and give us a streak of definition.

Yesterday while taking a BodyFlow class at the gym, I felt I had improved a little bit on my flexibility and muscle which made me very excited. This made me think back to my teenage years as a dancer when doing splits, jumps and turns were second nature to me. I miss those days of being full of life and energy. Dance was what defined me. All my life I have had a creative flair. Art was always my favourite subject in grade school and I have been documenting my life in journals for just about almost all my life. I've always had the passion for the arts and being creative has always been a characteristic I love about myself. But these days, I feel like I am missing out. Like I should be making more time to release my built up creative energy.
I have been thinking of taking classes in either sculpting, painting or photography. Or something in the performing arts like singing lessons. Unfortunately lessons in any type of art are very expensive. Thankfully I have found some reasonably priced clay and paint classes through Vaughan Parks and Rec which I think I will sign up for.

So what will the new definition of me sound like? Probably a 20 something fun spirited girl with a creative flair and a love for the arts. Or something like that! Not that I am trying to reinvent myself, more like reconnecting with my inner strengths and passions, reconnecting with the younger Tasha.

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