Monday, March 22, 2010

Operation: New Body!

Hellloooo friends! And Happy Spring!! Spring officially sprung this past Saturday March 20th at 1:32pm! Although, the whole weekend and today have felt more like dreary Fall. Hopefully by the end of the week we will be seeing more sunny skies and higher double digit temps. In the meantime, we can all start shopping for our new spring outfits because I know I did a lot of that this weekend! Shopping for new seasons is the best! Everything is fresh and exciting, especially spring and summer clothes. It's time to peel off those layers and show off that sexy skin. I know this year I am super motivated to become fit and toned with our upcoming trip to Vegas in May. This year I want to actually get into a small bikini without feeling like Shamu. Despite going to the gym everyday, I still maintain the same weight and shape. I don't think I am challenging myself enough and everything has become so routine. Over the past week or so I have been attending some more of the group exercise classes that Goodlife offers. I absolutely love them!! Not only do they push me out of my boring comfort level, they make me feel nice and sore in the morning (that means it's working!) Hopefully if I can pull off doing at least 3-4 of these classes a week, I will manage to tighten up a bit.

Of course, with weight loss the most important factor is diet. Now this is where I have the most trouble of all. Throughout the day I am fairly good, I eat small low-cal snacks throughout the day to keep me full, but once I am off work and into the house...all hell's kitchen breaks loose!! I become some type of animal that needs to feed off every piece of food in the house. It's like my body goes into a coma and inhales whatever it feels necessary. This must stop! To help monitor my eating habits and to keep me motivated to stay on track, I registered last week with the website Fit Day ( It's actually a really good website where you enter in everything you eat in the day and it adds up the calories for you. There is also a pie chart that shows you what percentage of your daily food intake went to fat, carbs and protein. It's all very fascinating! There are loads of other features on the site like a journal and calendar. There is also an activity calculator where you enter in all the activities you do in a day and it shows how many calories you burn. I really like the site and I hope it can help me keep my eating in check.

Check out the site for yourself, you'd be surprised how many calories some foods are!!

Happy Healthy :) :)

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