Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rehearsal Day 2: Keeping it together!

Well there wasn't much more of a turn out today as we had expected for the 2nd rehearsal for the Waltz of the Flowers Christmas dance. I guess this time of year everyone is busy with holiday plans, so the original group of 60 dancers has shrunken to a sweet set of 16. Not that I mind as there are pros and cons to dancing in both larger groups and smaller groups. A plus for dancing in larger groups is that you blend in with the crowd more and no one can really notice if you make a mistake, but I guess this could be a con as well if you enjoy the spotlight. I also like the look of a big group dancing in sync, but seeing a smaller group sometimes looks more neat and compact. So it will be exciting to dance in a smaller sized group this time around. (No mistakes allowed!) :P

Today's rehearsal went by surprisingly fast, we picked up exactly where we left off on Wednesday and cleaned up some of the choreography. Now, working in a smaller group means we had to change some of the spacing and lines. We also practiced working in tight clusters to avoid the look of empty space. Throughout the piece there are 5 small groups of 2-4 people all while taking turns coming on and off the stage, breaking up the piece nicely and giving it a nice flow.

Of course we won't be able to figure out the actual dimensions of the area we will be dancing in until next Monday at our dress rehearsal, but we figure that we will have a lot time to draw out and sustain our movements with less people.

For those of you interested in coming to check it out, it will be happening on Thursday December 16th at 7pm at the Eaton Centre, right in front of the Swarovski Christmas tree. A diamond tree AND a ballet performance? What could be sweeter?! Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. ummmmm infront of the Swarov's tree?! Perfect place for you, twinkle toes!
