Friday, April 8, 2011

Come On Barbie Let's Go Party!

Happy Friday y’all!!! Ever since that Rebecca Black song “Friday” I think of that song every Friday!! If you don’t know what I am talking about, or happen to live under a rock, check it out here. It’s incredible how many people can get famous these days just over one little catchy song, no matter how terrible the lyrics! E.g “ Yesterday was Thursday, Today is Friday, Tomorrow is Saturday”. CRAZY! Back when I was volunteering at Canadian Music Week I got to sit in on one of the panels about Music in the Digital Age and it was so interesting to see how much has changed with the Internet in regards to music. Gone are the days when I used to go to the record store and buy a CD, open it up and listen to every single track. Now, we simply download one song and call it a day. In the seminar they also spoke about how songs get so popular due to the various versions available. Referring back to the Rebecca Black song, people have gone on to make Metal versions, acoustic and the like. I guess the more versions you have, the more popular your song will be. It’s very hard for artists to make it big, but with the help of the internet, one tiny little song like Friday can get you on the map!! Incredibly interesting! Anyways, it’s Friday and I am glad. The weekend is supposed to be warm! :)

Today I was reading an Elle magazine from a coworker and came across this amazing Barbie and Ken spread.

They took Barbie and Ken and dressed them up in different outfits from various Canadian designers like Joe Fresh and Roots and placed them in different locations across Canada. I instantly fell in love with all the photos, cut them out of the magazine and stuck them up around my cubicle. Then I proceeded to save the photos and order them to be plaqued down the street from my work. Am I crazy or am I crazy? I am not sure! But I simply love it and think it will be a great décor piece for my house!! :) They won’t be ready until next week; I will take photos and let you see how they turned out. So Happy Friday everybody!! Gotta get down on Friday!!! :)

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