Thursday, February 11, 2010

Condo Hunt: Phase 1

So the search for my new diggs is officially underway. I have been humming and hawing over the idea of getting my own place for a while now, but now it is for real! I am nervous/excited/anxious all at the same time. Finding a place to call home is not an easy task. Everything has to be perfect: location, price, space...and just the overall feel of it. Last weekend I went looking at new developments in and around the Toronto area. They were all very nice, however, nothing a first time homebuyer could really afford on their own. On Saturday I went to look at some resale condos which were near the Lakeshore and very adorable. One place we looked at, I absolutely fell in love with. It was a stacked townhouse bachelor condo in Liberty Village with a little patio in the front. When I walked in, I fell in love. Unfortunately there was already an offer on it, and my agent advised me that it would probably go for more than the asking price which I simply can not afford. I am determined to find another one in that pocket or at least something similar.

Of course, everyone is advising me to take my time and not to rush in, which I don't plan too, however, since I am only looking for a small bachelor for myself, I don't think I will have a hard time choosing. I guess my main concern in all this is not having enough money to support my lifestyle. Cutbacks in my spending are definately in order--blackberry bill must be cut in half, no more buying "stuff", no more eating out, and no more going out every weekend. It will be tough, but I see this as a challenge to myself and I think with a positive mindset and strict budget I can definately do it.

Originally I wanted a one bedroom condo, but it seems like now I can really only afford a bachelor. I don't mind having a bachelor because they are perfect for me and it's all I really need. It might be lonlely living on my own, so I think I might get a cat or fish just so I don't feel so alone. Even though I would rather have a dog, cats are lower maintenance and can be on their own for hours at a time. But we will see what happens.....

Right now I am watching the Maury Povich show....oh how I love holiday Mondays! Happy Family Day everyone!

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