Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Buried Life List

Aloha friends, family and followers!
Hope you are all doing well. I think I am. And you know what? For once in my life, I don't care how "well" I am doing. Lately, I have been feeling a lot of pressure. Pressure that has accumulated over the past two years since graduating university...the pressure to succeed, the pressure to be somebody, the pressure to have my life figured out in one simple paragraph or less. This 1/4 life crisis has yet to cease, but I have decided to embrace it as opposed to fight it. Yes, the twenties are a stressful time in life because there are no guidelines or strict paths to follow in order to be "successful". I have come to realize that being successful is not determined by your title, your assets or your status in society. No, I truly believe that being successful is determined by how happy you are and by how much you get out of life.

I am sure you are all familiar with the MTV show, The Buried Life. A show about a group of guy friends who create a list of crazy things they want to accomplish before they die. Together they travel the country in a tour bus trying to accomplish the most craziest things ever known to man. It's quite hysterical and definately worth a watch.

Anyways, these boys have inspired me to reach beyond my limits! Sometimes I feel like I am so old and that my life needs to be figured out in every which way....I never feel totally fulfilled. While some aspects of my life seem to be figured out, there are huge gaps in others and then I begin to stress and dwell on them. This is NOT healthy. It's time for me to realize that having everything figured out doesn't make you more successful than someone who does. And figuring things out is part of the magical path that is life. In other words, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. It's time for me to enjoy the journey of life and stop trying to rush through it.

So in reference to the Buried Life show, I have decided to make my own Buried Life List of things to do!! And I have already started a few!!!

1) Travel More (Vegas and Chicago trips lined up this spring/summer)
2) Learn to paint (I have started a few, but nothing too fancy. Want to sign up for lessons)
3) Get into acting (Joined an agency and am currently taking acting lessons)
4) Dance more
5) Get my own place (Eric and I are hoping to move in September)
6) Venture into new hair colours besides blonde!
7) Learn to cook
8) Have kids (not quite yet though!)
9) Swim with dolphins
10) Take more pictures and learn more about photography
11) Write a screenplay
12) Volunteer more with kids and the less fortunate
13) Get Married
14) Go to Europe

Those are just a few. But seriously this list gives me hope for the future. I hope I have maybe inspired you to get out of your shell and do something for YOU!!!!!!!!!! The best investment you will ever make will always be in yourself!!!

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