Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's HOT!


I know I have been really bad at blogging this month, but I've been really busy!!! I promise I wasn't being neglectful. Today is the first day of June!!! And it's HOT! All week it's been scorching hot, in the 30 plus degrees! Last week I was in Vegas with some of my closest friends and we had the most amazing time. It was a great vacation that was definately needed. I love my friends more than anything, and I truly value their friendship. These are the friends I can talk to about anything, the friends that know me best and the friends that make me laugh until I cry. I took tons of pictures and am currently in the process of getting them all developed. We also did a cool video-blog while we were there with about 20 videos in total. Watching them after the trip was quite hilarious. I am hoping we can get it posted online sometime soon. I am really interested in getting a video camera now; they are so much cooler than regular cameras! A little machine that can document a piece of histroy, bit by bit, word for word, action by action....it's really one of the best inventions in my opinion and worth every penny.
I have posted a few of my photos from the trip here. While in Vegas we stayed at two hotels, MGM and Treasure Island. While MGM was really nice, I don't think I would stay there again. It was way too big (the 2nd largest hotel in the world might I add) and getting from Point A to Point B was such a mission. We could barely find seats by the pool it was that crazy.
Treasure Island was the best. I am biased though because of my fetish for pirates. There was an amazing Pirate show called "Sirens" that they perform 4 times a night!! It takes place on the pirate ship outside the hotel and includes singing and dancing from the pirates and wenches. What a cool job that must be!! I would love to do something like that for a living.

Since returning from Vegas, I've been hit with this nasty cold!! It's been awful, it's been a week and I am still sniffling! Who gets a cold in warm weather anyways?! Sheesh!!

All in all, Vegas was an amazing trip and I definately want to go back. There is so much to do and see that one trip is not enough, heck 3 trips aren't even enough! I think I will just keep visiting until I am old and wrinkled, still yanking on those slot machines. :)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot get enough of the Sirens show! Everytime I go to Vegas I wish I was a pirate wench dancing on those ships! Care to join me in being a professional pirate until we are old and wrinkled?
