Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Winter Blahs

It's January! Surprisingly the month is going by at a rapid pace. It seems like winter has been pretty calm this year as we haven't had any real major snow storms *knock on wood*!
I never really liked January, the holidays are over, everyone is miserably trudging into work from the snow and the days are frigid and unpleasant. But at least the days are getting longer! It is now still light out when I get home from work which is awesome. We all need a little sunshine in our life, and that doesn't necessarily have to come from the actual sun.

Sometimes when I am down I think about all the great things I am thankful for. I think about all the things in this world that cause me such great matter how big or small. Here is a list of just some of those things! What are some things that make you happy?

1-Taking a nice hot shower
2-Going to the salon and getting a snazzy new cut and sharp highlights--I feel like a true star :)
3-Ripping open a new CD and listening to it for the first time
4-Cruising in the car with the music loud and riding along the highway---I feel so free!
6-The soreness my body feels the day after a really good workout
7-Laughing until tears come out of my eyes
8-Coming home to fresh meals
9-Going to the library and collecting new books to read through
10-Riding a bike in the summer time to anywhere and everywhere
11-Cat naps
13-A pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks--with skim milk and no whip!
14-Waking up on Christmas morning and seeing everyone's reactions to your gifts
15-Wearing a sexy pair of heels
16-Back rubs from my love
17-Getting an eyebrow wax
18-Snuggling by the fire
19-Sipping cocktails at a fancy bar
20-Getting a smile from a stranger

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